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Friday, July 17, 2009

Baby Update!

Mr Caleb is a big boy already! I am 30 weeks 2 days today. He is measuring between 32-33 weeks! Doctor is estimating him to be approximately 4 pounds 7 ounces! The average for a 30 week baby is just a little over 3 pounds! We got to see him moving around and kicking and "breathing". When we got close to his face, he would turn and his little fists would start pumping, like he was trying to fight off the u/s probe! It was so funny. We were unable to get a good face shot, but we did get a partial. We scheduled the cesarean section for September 14th at 12:00 noon. I am soooo excited, but nervous at the same time! I have no idea what to expect, apparently it is completely different from the emergency c/sec which I had with Kaden. I am now going to the doctor every two weeks - that means time is getting close!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My boy is growing up!!

Speaking of school, we are enrolling Kaden into preschool this year! He will be going for two years. After today, he is definitely ready. I bought him new markers and let him color while I was getting ready for work. I went and checked on him, and he was writing out letters! He showed me he could write S, T, O and E! Perfect capital letters! I was amazed! Not only did he learn his alphabet out of thin air, the little stinker can write them too! I wanted him to show me more, but he decided that drawing funny stick persons and animals were more fun. I did find a kit with dry erase markers that teaches letters, numbers and simple words, and has a place for him to practice writing. I think this will be his next fun thing to do - he definitely takes after me, I love to write and color. He likes to guess and learn, so I am thinking that maybe some fun flash cards are in store for the near future?? My favorite thing to do when growing up was to play "school".. now I get to do it with my son and he likes it! He told Matt the other day that he wants to learn to read. We read to him all the time, and he has expressed a huge interest in it. My baby boy is getting soooo big!! :*(

Moving at 30 weeks.. Smart?

Probably not in the best interest for my health or sanity. But, living in a 800 square foot, 2 bedroom, 1 bath home is just not going to work for our expanding family. So, we have leased a new home. 1200+ square feet, 4 bedroom and 1 1/2 bath. 3 of the bedrooms are nestled together and have beautiful hardwood floors. It has a big kitchen with a window overlooking a large, shaded backyard. It has a dining area -not right in the middle of the kitchen floor-, which is really something we were looking for. The laundry is separated from the rest of the house, and the spare bathroom is a perfect location for kiddos playing in the backyard. No tracking mud through the house! The main bathroom is large enough for more than one person and you can turn around and not hit/bump or trip over anything! The 4th bedroom is on the opposite side of the house and is carpeted - it is going to work wonderfully as a playroom and craft/computer room! Kaden is psyched to not only be getting a bigger and "better" bedroom, but he is thrilled to have his own toy room. We are buying new storage totes and decorating them to match what will be inside. We went through his room on Wednesday and organized the bazillion toys he has. One bag of trash and three boxes of goodwill toys later, he still has too many toys! Goodness! It is so nice to have his room cleaned and organized though!
This Wednesday, the 15th, we will get the keys to the new place! I am so excited. We are planning on staying in this house for a couple of years at least, until we decide to buy. We need to work on our credit, which is going to be a pain, but we can definitely do it. This house is located in a wonderful school district, and I can see Kaden really enjoying his early school years there.
We have our last ultrasound on the 17th, I can't wait to see how big our baby boy has gotten! I am going to request a few pictures too. We are also scheduling my c-section then, so time is getting close!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Oh, another cute picture

The baby's new carseat. Isn't it adorable? I fell in love with it from a post on babycenter.com and made sure that when we went to Omaha last month that we find a Target that had it. Of course, I got my way :)

Final Score:

BOYS-2 GIRLS-0 ~ That's right, it's a BOY! We went in for our ultrasound on June 17th. The doctor seemed rushed (which was irritating since we were the first appointment of the day) and we didn't get any pictures either. But within 30 seconds he said he had an answer to our long awaited question. Right there on the monitor was our little man dancing around and being a complete exhibitionist! No doubt that we are having Baby Boy #2! I was very upset we didn't get any pictures, but was happy to find out finally what we are having and we can now begin to prepare for this baby. I am thinking about having one more ultrasound just so we can make sure he is growing according to date and so we can get some pictures for the baby book :)

Finally - Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo!

We went to the Zoo in May. I haven't been on here in forever! Kaden was grumpy and whiney for about the first two hours, he didn't want to do anything. Lack of sleep and the fact that he wouldn't eat his breakfast was probably the reason for that one. We were there from 9:15 am until 3:45 pm! That is 6 1/2 hours of walking! My pregnant body was WORN OUT by the time we finally left. Here are some of the pictures I took while there:

A desert bird, can't remember what
White Tiger :)

Kaden in front of a waterfall in the Desert Dome :)

And asleep at the hotel room after the zoo with his prized sharks from the zoo gift shop :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Counting down to 5 am Wednesday

We decided that this Wednesday and Thursday we are going to drive to Omaha and visit the Zoo! We wanted to just go baby shopping on Thursday, but Matt worked about 40 hours overtime, and we budgeted some out to go shopping and there was plenty over to go to the Zoo too! Kaden and I have never been there, and I guess it is really awesome. Matt went when he was about 15. We are also going to go see his grandpa W., who has alzheimers really bad and is not doing very well at all right now. It's been since Christmas '07 since we both went back (Matt went February '08 for his cousin's funeral) and we have been anxious to get back that way for some time now. All three of us are excited! I just wish we more time to stay out there. I want to move to Iowa so bad, I hate it here! I know Matt does too, but I think he is unsure of starting over with work and whatnot. Although they have a really awesome ethanol plant back east that he could easily get a job at. And I could probably transfer my job out that way too.
Anyways, I will definitely report back as soon as I can about the Zoo, shopping and seeing Grandpa W.

Friday, May 15, 2009

We have Bunnies!

Matt says he spotted a baby bunny in our backyard while mowing. I have seen mommy and daddy bunny a lot since we moved in last year. I will have to sneak out there and see if I can get some pictures. I bet they are living under or in our shed out there. It leaks, so we don't store anything in there. I will keep you posted!

And the verdict is......

May 12th 9:00 am - We had our Level 2 ultrasound. Baby is measuring just slightly above gestation (about 3 days larger) but everything looks healthy. Good brain, heart and tummy :) Legs have good bones and is quite the kicker! When we went to take a look between the legs, baby instantly crossed them and kept them there. But, Dr T said he got a quick look before we started the usual measurements and he didn't see a penis :) In fact he said he is pretty sure the baby is a ~GIRL~!! Just for fun, he added that we can come back in June (the 17th to be exact) and we will take a closer look. And if we "remind him" (like he needs to be reminded, I haven't seen him since my c-section with Kaden almost 4 years ago and he remembers me and his birth!!) we will play with the 3D u/s too :) I was going to ask for it anyways LOL!
Well, counting down til June 17th so we can see our baby again. And confirm the sex of course!
We are going shopping next week, but mainly for items such as the car seat/stroller combo (already picked out!), changing table, sleeping wedge, cradle sheets (cause you can't find them here), basic clothing and necessities. We have bought some girl stuff, but if it turns out this baby is indeed a boy, I have a few people in the family that are pregnant, and some are also having girls, so I can pass it along (it was all clearance stuff anyways). Here's some views of my baby [girl!].

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 4: No Medication

Hi all. Losing my mind here. Slowly wilting into abyss. My manic side has come out again. And she is PMSing hardcore. Snappy and short tempered, and just plain bitchy. Yep, that's me. I ran out of my prescription and have not had the chance to fill it yet. So my body and mind are taking revenge and making pretty much everyone around me pay for it. Not fun. Well, I just aclled the pharmacy and they close at 7 and Matt does not get off work until 7:30. I'm at work until 11 pm. And they are not open on Sundays. !($&^()#*(&%$&W)(*%*$&)(&#$&^#&%^Q#()%#(*%^(*. Yup. I just said that. Get over it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Halfway Point!

On Wednesday I was 20 weeks pregnant! Halfway there already! On Tuesday the 12th, we get to go in for the ultrasound, hopefully Baby will let us know what he/she is!! Then we can start calling it by name, instead of "baby", "it", or he/she". I can't wait! Here is some pictures from 19 weeks 2 days. I haven't gotten the chance to take any more yet.

Mother's Day Flowers

Kaden picked some tulips out of our backyard for me yesterday and gave them to me for Mother's Day. He said one is from him, one is from Daddy and one is from the baby! I know Daddy put him up to it, but still, it was really cute :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Typical Nebraska Weather

Nice one day, crappy the next. At least we took advantage yesterday and enjoyed the on-again, off-again rays of sunshine. At least it was warm! Kaden usually plays with his chalk, but today I hid the chalk and set up his t-ball stuff instead. I needed him to run off energy so he would go to bed early! :) He had a blast, and we played outside for at least an hour! Here are some really good pictures:

Getting ready to take a swing

Can you see the ball in the air? Mom's got good reflexes with the camera! And he's got hell of an arm on him, that tee went flying a lot!!!

He was so proud he could hit it so far!

Monday, April 27, 2009

New Layout!

Check out my new layout! Isn't it cool? I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get rid of that ugly text and crap at the top. I tried deleting it out of the html but then the whole thing gets screwed up.. Blech!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I thought it was Spring?

Seriously, WTH? Almost 90 degrees on Thursday. Yesterday and today have been in the low 50's and it's drippy and dreary outside. Not having it! And, I suppose Mother Nature is going to skip Spring altogether and go straight into Summer? At least on my birthday it was warm and we had an awesome afternoon thunder and lightning storm. Made my birthday special! Here are some pics I took showing there is signs of Spring! Plum Tree^^

Some Nut tree - don't know what it is. It was really nice out though on my days off last week, so Kaden and I went to the park. I wasn't feeling so hot, so I let him play while I sat in the sun and soaked in 20 minutes of much needed Vitamin C :)

Last week I also pampered myself to a new haircut and I love it! I still am having a hard time styling it as I am not used to it, but I am trying! I cut about 5 inches off and I don't feel like such a bobblehead anymore! I used to hate wearing my hair down, and in the last year or so I have loved my hair down, and Matt likes it better too. So, now that it is too short to put in a ponytail, down it is!

I am now 18 weeks 4 days pregnant. 21 weeks 3 days to go! Here is a picture at 18 weeks 1 day - also sporting the new haircut! :)

Goodnight Wisconsin! (Anyone seen That 70's Show?) LOL. Buh bye.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yesterday was my birthday. I was waken up at 6:15 am by a friend from Indiana texting me to tell me HB. Thanks. The sun isn't out yet and you want me to be chipper? LOL! Then my mom texts me at 6:48 am (remember, I work until 11 everynight and even though I didn't work the night before, I am still up untill 1 am...). Then the cat. Oh, the cat. She loves sitting in windows and she decides to peel back the curtains on my bedroom window at 7:06 am and let the sun shine right on my face. Oh, I could of strangled her! then hubby gets home at 7:34. Slamming doors, jingling the keys, thumping through the house. Yay. Then it gets really, really quiet... I am thinking, Oh Boy! Maybe he left and went to get me some b-day flowers and a card or something! He never does, and my hopeful little heart breaks when I get up at 8 and find him sitting in front of the tv playing a video game. :( At least he remembered it's my birthday! I had an OB dr appt at 9:30 so we get Kaden up out of bed and dressed and ready. I go to the dr and sit in the waiting room just hoping we get to have an ultrasound. Nope. But we heard the heartbeat and it was strong and fast as ever. Baby does not like the sonogram, he/she kept kicking it. Dr was trying to get a good reading on the heartbeat but baby wasn't having it. Every 3rd or 4th woosh of the heartbeat, he/she would kick really hard and he'd have to re-do the monitor. Dr eventually gave up LOL! I had my quad screening (more blood drawn) and I took Matt home so he could sleep.
I spent lunch with my step-mom, her mom who is visiting from Texas, and my aunt who is here from Vegas with her kids - including her 2 1/2 month old little boy who seems to adore me :) So, I have been catching up with this whole baby thing and feeding and changing and rocking - it's so fun! Except this little man is easy. Dirty diaper - high pitched forced scream. LOL and as soon as you take his pants down - he's calm! He is such a cutie pie. My grandma geve me some money for my birthday and I went and bought a mp3 player. I want to get motivated and start walking or light exercise so I don't gain too much weight this time around. This way I can stay active and not hurt so much!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Less is More

Started March 28, 2009::::

The less I keep up with this, the more I have to write :)

Pregnancy is going really well. Still the reality of having another baby, starting over with diapers and spit up and coos and cries has not set in yet. I mean, yes obviously I realize we are having another. But it just doesn't seem real. Even when falling asleep last night, my hubby had his arm around me and was rubbing my belly. I guess once I start looking more pregnant, and see the baby and what gender it is, it may seem more real. We are not buying much right now, we want to see what we are having first. We have to get the closet cleaned up, carpet torn out (orange shag!!) and get the shelves built so we can get that ready to put baby stuff in. We will be living in our small two bedroom until the baby is about 4-5 months old, so we have been downsizing our "stuff". I am currently trying to get rid of my large couch that I really don't care for and replace it with a small loveseat, with either recliners built in or a hide-a-bed. I would like the hide-a-bed (especially for those nights baby wants to be up and fussy and Matt wants to sleep), and Matt wants the recliners so we can get rid of one of our two recliners we have now. What to do, what to do!
Today April 11th: I have an OB appt on Thursday, April 16th, which also happens to be my 23rd Birthday. It is supposed to be a time of joy and laughter and celebration. It's just not in me this year. Really it's not. Even though there is the chance we can find out what we are having (voting girl!), sharing that news with Matt's side of the family is going to be hard. They want to take us out to dinner for my birthday, but it's just not in me. Oh, and my family. My dad and my step mom both have decided they don't want us to tell them what the sex of this baby is. That is making me mad. I hate suprises, especially ones of this magnitude! I mean, I want to be prepared! I really haven't bought anything yet, we are waiting to find out! I am not by any means going to go all out and buy every blue thing I see if it is a boy, or vice versa with a girl! I just want to be ready! And trying to tell my family and celebrate while leaving my dad and stepmom, especially my dad, out of it, it just sucks! I am going to have a repeat c-section with this one, I don't want to miss out on them announcing what this baby is like I did with Kaden due to my reactions with anesthetics(even though I already knew, it still sucked not to hear it from the dr!!!). That reason among many, including the fact that I am too damn impatient to wait until Spetember to see what this baby is!!!! :) Phew.... glad to get that off my chest!

Ok, the reason I finally got on here and blogged again: AWARD!!!

Thanks Jen! I don't know if I have gotten an award yet or not. I may have and not realized what to do with it!

The Rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate up to 10 blogs which show great attitude and/or gratitude

3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog, or sending them an email.

5. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your award.

And my award goes to:





And only those four because those are the only people I have on my blog... I think?

Ok, well enough with this post :) I wish it were 11... I need some sleep :)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tee hee, I stole it from Maggie :) I have been to 54% of the US! Yay for me!

visited 27 states (54%)
Make your own map HERE

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I am horrible with this!!!

I guess I am the worst person to try to keep up with a blog.. Good grief, it is already March! Thankfully spring seems to be right around the corner, and I won't feel so cooped up and can get on with my and do something worth blogging about! Who wants to hear about dirty dishes and laundry anyways?? So, here goes the updates:

  • KADEN: Ok, the little stinker is coming up with things I would never of imagined! Last night he told Matt and I that "when you poop on the potty, it makes hair grow on your butt!". Where in the world...? I don't even want to know. He is having "troubles" (aka refusing) with pulling up his underwear and pants aftere using the potty. He walks out with them around his ankles and then pulls them up once he hits the livingroom. Many times I have told him to turn around and pull them up in the bathroom. Last night he made it out to the living room and I told him to go back to the bathroom and pull them up, I did not want to see his butt and "potty" (the word for his boy parts). So what does he do? Gets this sly grin, turns around, bends over and shakes his booty! Then turns around (and this is embarassing!) grabs himself and shakes that too! Yes, he got timeout for that. That was naughty. And I told him he is NEVER to do that again. He is too pull his pants up BEFORE he leaves the bathroom. He is also having fun terrorizing the cat with the laser pointer we bought for her. he doesn't understand she doesn't see it when he shakes it really fast (she loses sight of it) and it makes him mad she doesn't run after it when it is pointed on the wall behind her when she is looking for it under the chair. Geez. he is growing up before my eyes. It's like yesterday that he was the cute little 8 month old crawling around, pulling himself up on things, cooing and laughing. I miss those days!
  • MATT: His job is again screwing him over. Luckily he cancelled his insurance in January because we picked up my better insurance. They sent a letter out stating that employees must now pay for half the amount the company pays for their employees insurance. So, instead of paying only their premiums, employees are now paying $75 of the employer's cost too. That would of made Matt's insurance more than $500 a month, with a $4000 deductible!! I pay about $400, but that includes a $500 deductible, vision insurance and an awesome dental plan. They also took away their Culligan drinking water, forcing them to drink from tap. The tap has a new filtration system on it, but they do not know how well it works. Work no longer distributes gloves for their use, and now (because people don't know how to come to work and the manager doesn't know how to fire these worthless people) all employees must take their turn on 24 hour call, up to 72 hours in a row. So, that of course means pretty much every time we have a day off together, he is on call. Meaning, no planning anything for us. Yay. Ugh. I am ready for him to find a new job, but with the way the economy is, I doubt he would find anything substantial and anything close to making what he is out there (which is, by the way, nearly $8 less than the state average for this specific job - so don't even get me started on those cheap a$$ mo'fo's).
  • NEW BABY: We have our second appointment on the 12th. Can't wait! They told me it would be paperwork and bloodwork and testing, but I changed doctor's so I am hoping she will give us another ultrasound too. This is the doctor I have seen many times over the last few years, and I have quite a good relationship with her. She was rooting us on when she found out we wanted to have another, and since she hasn't gotten to see the baby yet I am hoping she does this time. Besides that, I have been having problems with UTI's, back pain and cramping. Which I have been told is normal, but it sucks! I am pretty much completely over the morning sickness, it hits me only occasionally, and I am loving it. I feel so much better! Matt bought me some maternity pants last night, and it is sooo much more comfortable that the pants I have been wearing. I bought the over-belly ones, because the ones that have just the little stretchy band put too much pressure on my stomach and that is what makes me sick. Ew.

Ok, that is all I have for now. A tasty Subway sandwich is daring me to eat it. YUM!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

NP Children's Museum

Last Saturday we went to the Children's Museum with Maggie, her hubby, and kids Cayden, Maddy and Joselynn. I waited until today because I was trying to get my pictures off my camera! :) There was a super market, pizzeria, science room, history room, vet clinic, building blocks, planes trains and automobiles, music room, sports room, news media room. Good grief, I think we all wanted naps after that place! It was Cayden's birthday too, so we go to have some fun and then go to Maggie's house to eat cake and ice cream.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Catch Up! Ketchup?

Catch up time! With all the training I have been doing at work, I rarely ever get the chance to post on here anymore. Now the schedules are switched around a little due to a co-worker needing surgery, so I will be on more frequently. So now, for some updates:

  • Pregnancy: We had our first ultrasound on Wednesday, Feb 11th. The dr moved my due date up one day to Sept 23rd. I was told I was 8 weeks exact. The baby is measuring a few days ahead, it was measuring 8w3d on Wednesday. We got to see the baby moving around, with it's little arm and leg nubbies. It was just a dancin' around, having all sorts of fun. :) Dr made sure that there was only one in there, thankfully :) Heart rate was a beautiful 169 bpm. If I remember right, Kaden's was around 140 all the time. Maybe this is a girl???? :) Matt seems to think so, Kaden says we are having a girl baby, and a few of the family members think so too [maybe they are just hoping?].

  • Kaden: He is doing so well with pottying! We have got the daytime pottying down very very well. he goes #1 all the time, sometimes without being asked. #2 is a little more of a struggle, especially with a bout of constipation the last week or so, but we are doing better. NO MORE SIPPY CUP! Yes! It is gone! We are throwing out the "back-ups" finally, there is no longer a use for them. :) He is going through a train phase again. He has drug out all his Thomas the Tank trains and tracks and my living room is filled to the brim. We went to the Children's Museum last Saturday and played with a wooden Thomas set and I think that is what spurred this obsession again. He is warming up to this baby idea too I think. We were going to go to Wal-Mart the other day and asked if we could buy some stuff for the baby. :) LOL we didn't end up going, but I am sure that he would of made sure we bought something for the baby.

Well, day is almost done. I will have to get on here and update some more later.

Friday, January 16, 2009

He's a Big Boy Now!

Kade has been doing awesome with the potty training. Matt said he didn't have one accident yesterday, and in fact wore the same pull-up all day long. YAY! He is doing really well and his pull-ups are only slightly damp when he wakes up in the morning. He is wearing big boy underwear, however with runing errands and such we use the pullups so we don't have any accidents. Kaden is very good with telling us when he has to go potty. He even went #2 in the potty!!!

It's Official!!!

Okie dokie, I am horrible and have the damnedest time keeping this blog up!!! The last two weeks have gone by in a blur, with lots of ups and downs and excitement. Here's some updates:

  • ... drumroll please ... I'm PREGNANT!! YAY! I bought a few pregnancy tests online and and took the first on 1/10/09 - It came out with a very faint line, but it was visible! I took a few more over the course of 3 days and they all had a faint line. On 1/14 I went and bought a digital test and it gave the the best answer ever! "PREGNANT!" YAY! Oh, I am overjoyed! Well, Matt is too, he is like a giggly teenage girl :) We can't wait and have already discussed names. Too bad some people don't want to what the sex is, because now we can't tell anyone what this little spud is going to be. I sent a text message with the "pregnant" results to my mom, some family and friend that contained some "cheering music". I am so happy!! According to my last monthly, this baby will be due 9/24/2009. I have my first prenatal appointment on February 6th. Luckily I picked a day Matt has off so we lucked out so he could go :)


  • This means Kaden is going to be a a Big Brother! Matt and I found a shirt at Wal-Mart last night that says "I'm the Big Brother" so we bought it and went to pick him up from Dad and Cathy's house last night. I cornered Kaden and switched shirts and then had him go show Gramma his new shirt. Cathy's eyes widened all up and she didn't believe it for a minute. Kaden showed Dad/Papa his shirt and my dad looked at it for a minute before he finally realized what was going on. Tanner totally did NOT get it, it was hilarious. Cathy and Kalie are already arguing over who gets to babysit. LOL
  • I told my mom by calling her/texting her but it was last week when we were not quite sure. I called her on Wednesday and told her it was confirmed :) She is esctatic and already talking about a trip to NP in September.
  • I have also told most of my family so far, who seem very happy and supportive. No negativity at all. :) We are waiting to tell Matt's parents because 1) he has to work this weekend 2) we are not looking forward to the all the complaining and harping his mom does and says about everything that happens in this world. I will guarantee you we will probably not be there long after sharing the news.
Anywho, enough on this subject, on to other topics. :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Oui Ve! Catch up time!

*Hmm.. Let's start with New Year's Eve. Matt and I spent 3 hours getting the damn car licensed. Turned out, HSBank lost ANOTHER title (third one's a charm apparently) and we had to go rustle up the dealership and get them to write out a new one. So we get to the court house, sit in line forever, and ... the smell wafes through my nose ... Kaden crapped his pants! Soo ... we go to the bathroom which I think was built in the 1800's - and it's about 95 degrees in there, so even worse for the smell issue! I get him cleaned up and get his shoes back on and leave the bathroom - and the smelly pull up :) Mat tis looking for us - we forgot to grab the sales tax form and the proof of insurance. So we head home and grab the sales tax - of course the proof of insurance is no where to be found. So I call up my step-mom and ask if I can use her printer and get the stupid thing printed off. So, get that done and head back to the Courthouse where we fork over a big chunk of change for plates that I wish had the Husker emblem on them! (Matt says no! :( Pooey on him! LOL) Then we go pay rent and head to Wal-mart to pick up a few miscellaneous items - Joy to Wal-Mart! Ha ha NOT. When we get done there we head to the new Mexican restaurant in town (not worth it) and enjoy a fun meal with my BFF Shantell and her 3.5 month old boy, Jericho. Matt's brother John and his wife Larissa were there, along with their daughter Adysyn. EWW I totally just found a curly gray hair on my shirt and it is NOT mine!) Anyways. We went back to our house and settled in for a night of semi-drunken Wii Mario Party 8 :) It was a BLAST! We stopped playing MP8 in order to watch the New York Square Ball drop and celebrated with some kisses and confused looks from the kids who were suprisingly still awake.
*Now for a work related issue - here is some background: I started for the State Patrol as a dispatcher in November 08. They paired me with my WONDERFUL trainer, and now awesome friend, Maggie and she had taught me so much in the last 8 weeks. Then.. (drum roll) a new girl gets hired. Guess who gets the short end of the stick and gets her shift changed and her precious time taken away for joyful learning with Maggie? That's right - ME. I went from a peaceful 3pm-11pm shift to 7am to 3pm. Ok, so today waking up was not a fun thing to do! My body is used to the evening shift and I usually don't fall asleep until 2 am. Well, same thing last night. I could not fall asleep until after 2 am and the alarm going off at 5:45 was very RUDE. I was ready to chuck my phone lol. So I snoozed it. Then it goes off again at about 6:15 and I grumble and snarl at my phone once again then sweet darling Matt calls me. Oops. I get a little snippy and to let me sleep! LOL. I fall asleep for about 5 minutes then drag my ass out of bed, into the shower and out into the cold. So far so good, day is going smoothly and there hasn't been too much trouble. The troopers are being nice to me, and not griping about me having them repeat what they are saying. It is funny to hear the hesitation and confusion of the troopers because I have not worked radio on the day shift and very few of them know that I am here.
*Well, that is about the jist of it for today. I will report back later if I dare keep my eyes open.