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Monday, May 18, 2009

Counting down to 5 am Wednesday

We decided that this Wednesday and Thursday we are going to drive to Omaha and visit the Zoo! We wanted to just go baby shopping on Thursday, but Matt worked about 40 hours overtime, and we budgeted some out to go shopping and there was plenty over to go to the Zoo too! Kaden and I have never been there, and I guess it is really awesome. Matt went when he was about 15. We are also going to go see his grandpa W., who has alzheimers really bad and is not doing very well at all right now. It's been since Christmas '07 since we both went back (Matt went February '08 for his cousin's funeral) and we have been anxious to get back that way for some time now. All three of us are excited! I just wish we more time to stay out there. I want to move to Iowa so bad, I hate it here! I know Matt does too, but I think he is unsure of starting over with work and whatnot. Although they have a really awesome ethanol plant back east that he could easily get a job at. And I could probably transfer my job out that way too.
Anyways, I will definitely report back as soon as I can about the Zoo, shopping and seeing Grandpa W.

Friday, May 15, 2009

We have Bunnies!

Matt says he spotted a baby bunny in our backyard while mowing. I have seen mommy and daddy bunny a lot since we moved in last year. I will have to sneak out there and see if I can get some pictures. I bet they are living under or in our shed out there. It leaks, so we don't store anything in there. I will keep you posted!

And the verdict is......

May 12th 9:00 am - We had our Level 2 ultrasound. Baby is measuring just slightly above gestation (about 3 days larger) but everything looks healthy. Good brain, heart and tummy :) Legs have good bones and is quite the kicker! When we went to take a look between the legs, baby instantly crossed them and kept them there. But, Dr T said he got a quick look before we started the usual measurements and he didn't see a penis :) In fact he said he is pretty sure the baby is a ~GIRL~!! Just for fun, he added that we can come back in June (the 17th to be exact) and we will take a closer look. And if we "remind him" (like he needs to be reminded, I haven't seen him since my c-section with Kaden almost 4 years ago and he remembers me and his birth!!) we will play with the 3D u/s too :) I was going to ask for it anyways LOL!
Well, counting down til June 17th so we can see our baby again. And confirm the sex of course!
We are going shopping next week, but mainly for items such as the car seat/stroller combo (already picked out!), changing table, sleeping wedge, cradle sheets (cause you can't find them here), basic clothing and necessities. We have bought some girl stuff, but if it turns out this baby is indeed a boy, I have a few people in the family that are pregnant, and some are also having girls, so I can pass it along (it was all clearance stuff anyways). Here's some views of my baby [girl!].

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 4: No Medication

Hi all. Losing my mind here. Slowly wilting into abyss. My manic side has come out again. And she is PMSing hardcore. Snappy and short tempered, and just plain bitchy. Yep, that's me. I ran out of my prescription and have not had the chance to fill it yet. So my body and mind are taking revenge and making pretty much everyone around me pay for it. Not fun. Well, I just aclled the pharmacy and they close at 7 and Matt does not get off work until 7:30. I'm at work until 11 pm. And they are not open on Sundays. !($&^()#*(&%$&W)(*%*$&)(&#$&^#&%^Q#()%#(*%^(*. Yup. I just said that. Get over it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Halfway Point!

On Wednesday I was 20 weeks pregnant! Halfway there already! On Tuesday the 12th, we get to go in for the ultrasound, hopefully Baby will let us know what he/she is!! Then we can start calling it by name, instead of "baby", "it", or he/she". I can't wait! Here is some pictures from 19 weeks 2 days. I haven't gotten the chance to take any more yet.

Mother's Day Flowers

Kaden picked some tulips out of our backyard for me yesterday and gave them to me for Mother's Day. He said one is from him, one is from Daddy and one is from the baby! I know Daddy put him up to it, but still, it was really cute :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Typical Nebraska Weather

Nice one day, crappy the next. At least we took advantage yesterday and enjoyed the on-again, off-again rays of sunshine. At least it was warm! Kaden usually plays with his chalk, but today I hid the chalk and set up his t-ball stuff instead. I needed him to run off energy so he would go to bed early! :) He had a blast, and we played outside for at least an hour! Here are some really good pictures:

Getting ready to take a swing

Can you see the ball in the air? Mom's got good reflexes with the camera! And he's got hell of an arm on him, that tee went flying a lot!!!

He was so proud he could hit it so far!